Contrib / Share URLs ?/ also building GCL etc

For some reason the Macsyma company persistently
resisted the establishment of a repository for
code developed by users.  I suppose they saw
it as taking resources that they didn't have
to spare, and that management failed to see the
  They also did not seem to understand the impact
of the WWW in other ways.

By the way, I am grateful that people are
trying to make nice lisp systems, but my feeling
is that the right way to do this building and
testing is to have stable lisp systems as well
as stable maxima systems ready to download, without
the need to run make etc.  When you have a new
or changed package, you put the change in the appropriate
.maxima-init.lisp   (or whatever...) file, and
load it in to your system at startup.

After a while you make a new system with all
the changes and start again with an empty or
minimal init file.
   For example, I have been using the xmaxima from
Bill Schelter's web site for over a year.  I
read in lis-language "fixes" as needed.


Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:

> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>there must be huge Contrib / Share directories for
>>Maxima (or Macsyma). I haven't found any URL on
>>Maxima's webpage.
>>Many thanks for a hint,
>>Helmut Jarausch
>>Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
>>Institute of Technology, RWTH Aachen
>>D 52056 Aachen, Germany
> Share directory is the part om Maxima CVS tree.
> It is not so huge and many packages in Maxima
> share library require some fixes to meke them
> work with current Maxima.
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