I was just about to write to you privately, but since it has come up on
the list...
My workaround for array-displacement seems to work. I got an old (may 2)
version of maxima to build with it. jn(3,4) returned the right answer.
Can you try applying my patch and seeing if you can get it to
build/work? There are a couple of other hacks I needed for the May 2
version. I'll send you the diffs.
On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 08:32, Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "Valerij" == Valerij Pipin <pip@iszf.irk.ru> writes:
> Valerij> I wounder how you were able to compile cvs-maxima with
> Valerij> gcl. Was the numerical package building passed well?
> This is still a problem. The last remaining issue for which I have no
> work-around is that gcl doesn't have the function array-displacement.
> I need to file a bug report with gcl about this.