cvs-maxima tests

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 16:13, Raymond Toy wrote:
> Fixed.  I didn't know that $realpart and/or $imagpart would cause such
> a question to be asked.  I rearranged the code, and it doesn't do this
> anymore.

Very good.

> I've also undone the change to rtest14.mac.  The tests pass fine.

Thanks. Don't forget rtest6a.mac.

> I'm really sorry for this screwup.  I'll remember to run the checks
> more often as a good sanity check.

Problem caught. No harm done.

> The only errors I get are the 2 known bugs in test15.  

Same result here.

> I'm surprised that CMUCL is now the fastest by far of the three
> systems, and Clisp is comparable or slightly faster than GCL.  (But
> maybe I didn't compile GCL with the right bignum package.)

Similar result here. I am not surprised that CMUCL is by far the fastest
-- that's what I've always seen. I am surprised, however, that Clisp has
pulled ahead of GCL. I still haven't added the init file that will
pre-allocate for GCL. That could be the culprit. I wouldn't draw too
many conclusions yet.
