rpm spec

>>>>> "Holcombe" == Holcombe Richard A DLVA <HolcombeRA@NSWC.NAVY.MIL> writes:

    Holcombe> Summary: Maxima Symbolic Computation Program
    Holcombe> Name: maxima
    Holcombe> Version: 5.9
    Holcombe> Release: 0
    Holcombe> Copyright: GPL
    Holcombe> Group: Development/Languages
    Holcombe> Source0: ftp.ma.utexas.edu:/pub/maxima/maxima-5.9.tgz
    Holcombe> Source1: ftp.ma.utexas.edu:/pub/gcl/gcl-2.4.1.tgz

Does this mean that you built maxima 5.9 using gcl 2.4.1?  I thought
that was not possible.
