Subject: Re: [Gcl-devel] Building without compiling
From: James Amundson
Date: 06 Jun 2002 08:39:03 -0500
On Wed, 2002-06-05 at 19:28, Camm Maguire wrote:
> Greetings! For the purposes of troubleshooting/debugging, is there
> anyway to build maxima without compiling the lisp into .o, but rather
> just loading the code into the interpreter and running a slow 'make
> test'?
Yes and no. You can easily ask defsystem to just load your system
instead of compiling it. From the maxima/src directory:
GCL (GNU Common Lisp) Version(2.5.0) Tue Mar 26 12:27:54 CST 2002
Licensed under GNU Library General Public License
Contains Enhancements by W. Schelter
>(load "../lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp")
Loading ../lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp
Warning: REQUIRE is being redefined.
Finished loading ../lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp
>(setq mk::*load-source-instead-of-binary* t)
>(mk:operate-on-system "maxima" :load :verbose t)
The resulting operation will go on for a while, then fail:
; - Loading module "commands"
; - Loading source file "comm.lisp"
Loading comm.lisp
Error: The function MAKE-UNSPECIAL is undefined.
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by PROGN.
Broken at PROGN. Type :H for Help.
Loading /home/amundson/notwork/maxima/maxima/src/maxima.system
The use of (eval-when ...) in the code implies that modifying maxima to
load without compiling could be complicated. I think you would be better
off loading single files you might be interested in instead of trying to
avoid compiling the entire system.
> Preferably with maxima-5.6?
I am of no help for earlier versions of maxima.