Re: [cormanlisp] Maxima and Corman Common Lisp

Hi Mike,

There are a number of issues that pervent defsystem.lisp from
compiling. Some of these are being resolved by various people I
believe. It's mainly to do with missing things in Corman Lisp like
USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME. Search the Corman Lisp mailing list for
details. There was a discussion about it a couple of months back.

I use Maxima myself and have occasionally thought of trying it out on
Corman Lisp. Never quite got around to the effort involved
though. Maybe one day. Personally, were I to port it, I wouldn't work
on getting defsystem.lisp to compile. Unless of course you want
defsystem for something else.

I'd manually work out what things need compiling and when and slowly
work through each Maxima Lisp file manually until I reached the end -
which would result in a working Maxima system.

> > Porting the cvs version of Maxima to Corman Lisp should be fairly
> > simple.
> Possibly an optimistic view given that there seems to be no such thing as a
> Common Lisp compiler which will compile code that compiles on another of
> it's alleged ilk.

I don't understand the above comment. I have plenty of code that
compiles on more than one Common Lisp.
