(no subject)

Dear Jay

The DE is given in exact form 


which is in exact DE form [M(x,y)dx+N(x,y)dy] and can easily shown to be

2xsin(3y)dx+3x^2cos(3y)dy=d[x^2*sin(3y)]=0 with simple solution

x^2*sin(3y) = constant

OK trying this in Maxima [setting up for desolve] we rearrange the DE as

dy/dx = -2x*sin(3y)/(3x^2*cos(3y)) = -2tan(3y)/(3x)
and enter the DE into Maxima as follows:

(C3) de1:'diff(y(x),x)=-2*tan(3*y)/(3*x);
			d	      2 TAN(3 y)
(D3) 		        -- (y(x)) = - ----------
			dx		 3 x
(C4) desolve(de1,y(x));
		  2 LAPLACE(-, x, LVAR) TAN(3 y) - 3 y(0)
(D4) y(x) = ILT(- ---------------------------------------, LVAR, x)

or using the classical calling convention [as stated in the manual]:
				  3 LVAR
(C5) desolve([D3],[y(x)]);
		  2 LAPLACE(-, x, LVAR) TAN(3 y) - 3 y(0)
(D5) y(x) = ILT(- ---------------------------------------, LVAR, x)
				  3 LVAR
Looks like I may have made a mistake setting up the DE not having y(x) instead of y on RHS: trying again:

(C6) de1:'diff(y(x),x)=-2*tan(3*y(x))/(3*x);
		      d		    2 TAN(3 y(x))
(D6) 		      -- (y(x)) = - -------------
		      dx		 3 x
(C7) desolve(de1,y(x));
(D7) y(x) = 

	2 I     LAPLACE(TAN(3 y(x)), x, LVAR1) dLVAR1 - 3 y(0)
  ILT(- ------------------------------------------------------, LVAR, x)
				3 LVAR


(C10) desolve(D6,y(x));
(D10) y(x) = 

	2 I     LAPLACE(TAN(3 y(x)), x, LVAR1) dLVAR1 - 3 y(0)
  ILT(- ------------------------------------------------------, LVAR, x)
				3 LVAR

NOTE: I checked I was doing this right by trying an even simpler DE
dy/dx = y  with simple solution  y = A*e^x

(C8) de2:y(x)='diff(y(x),x);
(D8) 			    y(x) = -- (y(x))
(C9) desolve(de2,y(x));
(D9) 			    y(x) = y(0) %E
Looks OK.

Note: I tried the DE in various forms and found that DESOLVE couldn't even get an answer:

(C11) de3:2*x*sin(3*y(x))+3*x^2*cos(3*y(x))*'diff(y(x),x)=0;
				2  d
(D11) 	   2 x SIN(3 y(x)) + 3 x  (-- (y(x))) COS(3 y(x)) = 0
(C12) desolve(de3,y(x));
DESOLVE can't handle this case.
 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)
(C13) de4:'diff(y(x),x)*cos(3*y(x))*3*x^2+2*x*sin(3*y(x))=0;
				2  d
(D13) 	   2 x SIN(3 y(x)) + 3 x  (-- (y(x))) COS(3 y(x)) = 0
(C14) desolve(de4,y(x));
DESOLVE can't handle this case.
 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)
(C15) de5:'diff(y(x),x)*cos(3*y(x))=-2*sin(3*y(x))/3/x;
		d			   2 SIN(3 y(x))
(D15) 	       (-- (y(x))) COS(3 y(x)) = - -------------
		dx			        3 x
(C16) desolve(de5,y(x));
DESOLVE can't handle this case.
 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)

Finally making dy/dx the subject on the LHS did yield the same unhelpful solution [with sin/cos instead of tan] as previous:

(C17) de6:'diff(y(x),x)=-2*sin(3*y(x))/3/x/cos(3*y(x));
		     d		    2 SIN(3 y(x))
(D17) 		     -- (y(x)) = - ---------------
		     dx		   3 x COS(3 y(x))
(C18) desolve(de6,y(x));
(D18) y(x) = 

	  [	        SIN(3 y(x))
	2 I     LAPLACE(-----------, x, LVAR1) dLVAR1 - 3 y(0)
	  ]	        COS(3 y(x))
  ILT(- ------------------------------------------------------, LVAR, x)
				3 LVAR

kind regards

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