[Fwd: Re: [Maxima] Proposed bug fix for Bug 505443]

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <fateman@cs.berkeley.edu> writes:

    Richard> -------- Original Message --------
    Richard> Subject: Re: [Maxima] Proposed bug fix for Bug 505443
    Richard> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 11:22:07 -0700 (PDT)
    Richard> From: "R. William Gosper" <rwg at spnet>
    Richard> To: fateman@cs.berkeley.edu

(Is this THE Gosper, the "only living 17th century mathematician", as
mentioned in the sources to CMUCL?)

    Richard> I suspect the only correct expression involves an awkward NUMMOD, as in

    Richard> (c105) block([return_nummod : true],asin(sin(x)));

    Richard>                   %pi   |           %pi              |
    Richard> (d105)           --- - |nummod(x + ---, 2 %pi) - %pi|
    Richard>                    2    |            2               |

    Richard> which nobody seems to want, even though

    Richard> (c106) sin(%);

    Richard> (d106)                          sin(x)

    Richard> Maybe I'll but a return_nummod check in halfangles.

I guess this is something we can try to do, but maxima doesn't have
nummod or return_nummod, so I probably won't do anything until after
this release goes out.
