Raymond Toy <toy@rtp.ericsson.se> writes:
> I've been unable to create
> an array that is acceptable to the fft routines. I tried
> array(ar,4), arraymake(ar,[4]), and make_array. The resulting arrays
> are rejected by fft.
Apparently, different people at different times had different ideas
of what a macsyma array should look like. I think this is the present
situation (I wrote this up for another patch I haven't sent yet, sorry
for the formal tone of it):
;;; Note that on the lisp level we regard as an array either
;;; (1) a symbol whose ARRAY property is a common lisp array
;;; [i.e., (symbol-array 'symbol)
;;; == (get 'symbol 'array) == some array] or
;;; (2) a common lisp array
;;; and (1) takes precedence over (2).
;;; On the maxima level a declared array not of type HASH or FUNCTIONAL
;;; is either
;;; (1m) a symbol whose ARRAY mproperty is of type (1)
;;; [i.e., (symbol-array (mget 'symbol 'array)) == some array] or
;;; (2m) it is of type (2)
;;; and (1m) takes precedence over (2m).
;;; Such an array is of type (1m) iff it was created with ARRAY
;;; with USE_FAST_ARRAYS being set to FALSE.
Now, $fft expects arguments in the form (1) whereas they come in the
form (1m) or (2m).
Here is a rough outline of a possible solution:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(in-package "MAXIMA")
(defun mgetarray (marg)
"Return the lisp array which is somehow attached to MARG."
(or (and (symbolp marg) (symbol-array (mget marg 'array)))
(and (arrayp marg) marg)))
(defun fft-arg-check (ary)
;; I don't check here if this is really a floating point array. For maxima
;; arrays which are symbols this would be no problem since the type is on
;; the property list. On the other hand, for "fast" arrays (i.e. lisp
;; arrays), using ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE might not be too useful.
(or (mgetarray ary)
"arg ~M to fft//ift//recttopolar//polartorect must be floating point array" ary)))
;; I assume that the aguments of $fft are maxima arrays to be modified,
;; whereas the arguments of fft are lisp arrays to be modified.
(defun $fft (rary iary)
(let ((fast_rary (fft-arg-check rary))
(fast_iary (fft-arg-check iary)))
;; fast_rary and fast_iary are lisp arrays (which is the same thing
;; as "fast" maxima arrays) and fft is supposed to modify them.
(fft fast_rary fast_iary)
;; return the modified arrays in their original form (i.e. either "fast"
;; or not, depending)
(list '(mlist) rary iary)))
;; Just a dummy definition for testing.
(defun fft (x y)
(setf (aref x 0) (aref y 0))
(format t "~a~%~a" x y))
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Note that different types of arrays can be mixed, like:
(C1) array(xxx,7);
(D1) xxx
(C2) yyy:make_array('any,5);
(D2) {Array: #(NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL)}
(C3) xxx[0]:0;
(D3) 0
(C4) yyy[0]:1;
(D4) 1
(C5) fft(xxx,yyy);
#(1 ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### #####)
(D5) [xxx, {Array: #(1 NIL NIL NIL NIL)}]
(C6) xxx[0];
(D6) 1