SUM and MAKELIST translation bug fixes

>>>>> "Wolfgang" == Wolfgang Jenkner <> writes:

    Wolfgang> Anyway, in the case where CMUCL gives the warning could you please
    Wolfgang> check if the generated lisp code is essentially the same as the code
    Wolfgang> generated by Clisp?  (Sorry for asking you to do this but I have only
    Wolfgang> Clisp installed.)

They appear to be identical.  In any case, here is the generated code:

 (ADD2LNC '|$harm_foo| $PROPS)
 (DEFMTRFUN (|$harm_foo| $ANY MDEFINE NIL NIL) (|$l| |$u|)
  (DECLARE (SPECIAL |$u| |$l|) (FIXNUM |$u| |$l|))
  ((LAMBDA ()
     ((LAMBDA (|tr-gensym~1| |tr-gensym~2|)
         ((NOT (< |tr-gensym~2| |tr-gensym~1|))
          (DO ((|$i| |tr-gensym~1| (F1+ |$i|))
               (|tr-gensym~0| 0 (ADD* |tr-gensym~0| (RREMAINDER 1 |$i|))))
              ((< |tr-gensym~2| |$i|) |tr-gensym~0|)))
         ((= |tr-gensym~2| (F1- |tr-gensym~1|)) 0)
         (T (INTERVAL-ERROR '$SUM |tr-gensym~1| |tr-gensym~2|))))
      |$l| |$u|)))))

When I load this up and run it, I don't get the warning message about
$i anymore.  An mistake on my part, I guess.  Sorry about that.
