Fwd: Re: [Maxima] Bug report: coth(iz)

On Friday 12 July 2002 03:54 am, Geordie McBain wrote:
> Dear Maxima maintainers,
>   Using Maxima 5.6 today I found a bug in a rule for the complex hyperbolic
> function coth:
> (C1) cot(%i*z);
> (D1) 				      - %I COTH(z)
> (C2) coth(%i*z);
> (D2) 				      - %I COTH(z)
> (C3) quit();
> D2 should be -%I COT (z).

in src/trigo.lisp, line 77 :
         ((AND $%IARGS (MULTIPLEP Y '$%I)) (MUL -1 '$%I (CONS-EXP '%COTH
(COEFF Y '$%I 1))))

should be:

        ((AND $%IARGS (MULTIPLEP Y '$%I)) (MUL -1 '$%I (CONS-EXP '%COT (COEFF
Y '$%I 1))))

