>>>>> "Paolo" == Maths Mathematica Geometry Crew <mathematica@linfe.it> writes:
Paolo> I am still not able to plot a function of three vars, one of them
Paolo> having been fixed. Let us call t the third variable; here are my last
Paolo> two attempts:
Paolo> --1:
Paolo> (C4) ff(x,y,t) := x*t/(y-3);
Paolo> x t
Paolo> (D4) ff(x, y, t) := -----
Paolo> y - 3
Paolo> (C6) plot3d(ff(x,y,t),[x,2,3],[y,2,4],[nticks,100]);
Paolo> Error: Expected 3 args but received 2 args
>From the error message, we want 2 args. So the following will produce
a plot:
fff(x,y) := f(x,y,1.3);
Paolo> Any example about plotting functions and functions of functions will
Paolo> be appreciated.
? plot;
? plot3d;
will give some examples.