A few new features have appeared in CVS in the past few days:
1) maxima-init.lisp and maxima-init.mac are now read at startup. This is
made even more useful by:
2) User directory for input files. The default maxima search paths now
include a user directory. It defaults to ~/.maxima, but it can also be
set by the environment variable MAXIMA_USERDIR.
3) The function bug_report() now gives bug reporting instructions. It
includes the output of:
4) The function build_info() now prints out a useful set of build
parameters, including Lisp implementation and version and hostname.
5) The startup message has changed. Among other things, it includes a
pointer to the new function bug_report().
6) Maxima now prints an abbreviated message when resumed with (run)
after to_lisp().
I would appreciate any constructive criticism of the above.