Re: [Maxima] puzzle with pattern matching

;;a better version which does (I hope) just the right level of
evaluation of variables

(defun getdec (p e)
  (let (x z)
       (cond ((setq x (mget p 'matchdeclare))
	      (cond ((not (atom (car x))) (setq x (car x))))
	      (setq z (nconc (mapcar 'memqargs (cdr x)) (ncons e)))
	      (setq x (car x))
	      (cond ((not (atom x)) (setq x (car x))))
	      (setq z
		    (cond ((or (memq x '($true t $all))
			       (and (fboundp x) (not (get x 'translated))))
			   (cons x z))
			  (t		;(push (second z) *match-specials*)
			   `(is (list '(,x) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (r) `(list '(mquote)
									   ,r)) z)))))) ;;changed
	      (cond ((memq (car z) '($true t $all)) (list 'msetq p e))
		    (t (list 'cond
			     (list z (list 'msetq p e))