Building GCL and Maxima plotting - Windows

Hi James.

> > At present the CVS version of that script is a bit neglected
> True.
> > as they changed
> > the installed Maxima directory layout without updating  XMAXIMA.
> Not true. At least, if there is a bug relating to the new directory
> layout and xmaxima, I am not aware of it. We have updated xmaxima to
> reflect the relevant changes in maxima. Please let us know if you find
> something we have neglected to change..

I hadn't realised those changes had been made - sorry about that!  (And

1. After updating from Maxima CVS where Maxima had already been built and

2.  patching two files in "interfaces/xmaxima" as follows

$ cvs diff interfaces/xmaxima/
cvs server: Diffing .
cvs server: Diffing interfaces
cvs server: Diffing interfaces/xmaxima
Index: interfaces/xmaxima/xmaxima-trailer.tcl
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/interfaces/xmaxima/xmaxima-trailer.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1 xmaxima-trailer.tcl
> if { "$tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows" } {
>     global ws_openMath
>      set ws_openMath(kill) [file join $ws_openMath(maxima_prefix) \
>           bin winkill.exe]
>     catch { load  [file join $ws_openMath(maxima_prefix) \
>           bin tclwinkill.dll]  }
> #    proc setIcon { w } {
> #     global ws_openMath
> #     winico set [winfo toplevel $w] [winico createfrom [file join \
> #             $ws_openMath(maxima_prefix) src max.ico ]]
> #    }
> #    after 2000 { setIcon . }
> #    after 6000 { setIcon . }
>   } else {
>     set ws_openMath(kill) kill
> }
Index: interfaces/xmaxima/xmaxima.tcl
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/interfaces/xmaxima/xmaxima.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -r1.4 xmaxima.tcl
< if { "$tcl_platform(platform)" == "windows" } {
<     global ws_openMath
<      set ws_openMath(kill) [file join $ws_openMath(maxima_prefix) \
<           src winkill.exe]
<     catch { load  [file join $ws_openMath(maxima_prefix) \
<           src tclwinkill.dll]  }
<     proc setIcon { w } {
<       global ws_openMath
<       winico set [winfo toplevel $w] [winico createfrom [file join \
<               $ws_openMath(maxima_prefix) src max.ico ]]
<     }
<     after 2000 { setIcon . }
<     after 6000 { setIcon . }
<   } else {
<     set ws_openMath(kill) kill
< }


3. doing "make install"

4. ignoring the following build error by typing "(by)" as shown below so
that install could proceed with an older, pre-existing maxima executable:
;      - Loading binary file "binary-gcl/transf.o"
Loading binary-gcl/transf.o
start address -T 1052ac00 Finished loading binary-gcl/transf.o

Error: fix_filename: Cannot get the truename of #p"".
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by LET*.
Broken at FILE-NAMESTRING.  Type :H for Help.
make[2]: Entering directory `/c/cvs/maxima/src'


5.  hand copying winkill.exe and tclwinkill.dll from the GCL build bin
directory, I was able to type (at a Cygwin prompt)


and get a working XMAXIMA session - plots as well, Stephen!


1. I think we should transfer the source code for "winkill.exe" and
"tclwinkill.dll" from the GCL build tree where it serves no purpose, into
the Maxima "interfaces/xmaxima" directory.

2. The resulting xmaxima script is not double-clickable - I'll look into
that further.


Mike Thomas