Thanks for your thorough response. Your reply leads me to believe that
1. I probably cannot solve my problem with Maxima, Mathematica, or any
other symbolic math problem, and 2. I should just solve it numerically.
But with regard to the desirability of a very large solution (many
pages): my goal is to obtain an efficient code for calculating the
behavior of a physical system for a variety of parameter values, each of
which can vary across time. Obtaining a hard-coded analytical result
(say, by exporting the formulae into C or Fortran) is, I believe, more
efficient than running a numerical solver. And one can learn something
just by looking at the symbolic result, however long and complicated it
may be.
Neil E. Klepeis, UC Berkeley, School of Public Health,
and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA USA. Voice: 831-768-9510