Re: LambdaTensor and Maxima

(I'm forwarding this to the Maxima mailing list.)

Sigh. We have hacked around many such problems. Try globally replacing
intersection with hyp-intersection in hyp.lisp. Be sure to include both
uppercase and lowercase versions. I hope that will solve the problem.
Please let me know either way.

Does anyone know how the Debian version number for CMUCL relates to the
official CMUCL version number?


On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 10:29, Thomas Fischbacher wrote:
> Hm,
> when trying to compile MAXIMA 5.9.0 (fetched via anon CVS, as
> described on the webpage) for cmucl 3.0.8 18c+
> (cmucl 3.0.9 package for Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (woody, x86)),
> I encounter the problem that the MAXIMA package uses
> COMMON-LISP, and src/hyp.lisp tries to define INTERSECTION, which
> unfortunately already *is* present in COMMON-LISP, coming from CMUCL's
> src/code/list.lisp.
> In a bare CMUCL:
> * (describe 'intersection)
> INTERSECTION is an external symbol in the COMMON-LISP package.
> Function: #<Function INTERSECTION {100A40A1}>
> Function arguments:
>   (list1 list2 &key key (test #'eql testp) (test-not nil notp))
> Function documentation:
>   Returns the intersection of list1 and list2.
> Its declared argument types are:
>         &KEY
> Its result type is:
>   LIST
> It is currently declared maybe-inline; expansion is available.
> On Monday, 12/31/01 10:48:17 am [-1] it was compiled from:
> target:code/list.lisp
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !!!
> However, if I make MAXIMA, and then do a "make check", I get a debugger
> prompt. If I then do:
> 1] (describe 'intersection)
> INTERSECTION is an external symbol in the COMMON-LISP package.
> Function: #<Function INTERSECTION {11962519}>
> Function arguments:
>   (l1 l2)
> Function documentation:
>   Returns the intersection of list1 and list2.
> Its declared argument types are:
>         &KEY
> Its result type is:
>   LIST
> It is currently declared maybe-inline; expansion is available.
> On Friday, 8/30/02 04:38:29 pm [-2] it was compiled from:
> /tmp/maxima/src/hyp.lisp
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !!!
> In fact, COMMON-LISP::INTERSECTION was overwritten by the MAXIMA
> definition, causing trouble via the common-lisp-controller who uses
> CMUCL's defpackage which in turn uses intersection...
> This is strange, especially since I don't quite see what changed from 5.4
> where this problem didn't seem to occur.
> Since I don't have a good overview over the MAXIMA source code, I could
> need some help to sort this out. Eventually, I'll have to update my
> webpages to give correct availability information for MAXIMA.
> -- 
> regards,                   (o_
>  Thomas Fischbacher -  //\
> (lambda (n) ((lambda (p q r) (p p q r)) (lambda (g x y)           V_/_
> (if (= x 0) y (g g (- x 1) (* x y)))) n 1))                  (Debian GNU)