xmaxima.tcl (Testers wanted)


I did wish TkMaxima.tcl as you instructed me to. I got

Error in startup script: Please set MAXIMA_DIRECTORY
environment variable, to the path eg c:/myhome/maxima-5.4
    while executing
"error "Please set MAXIMA_DIRECTORY\nenvironment variable, to the path eg 
    invoked from within
"if {![info exists env(MAXIMA_DIRECTORY)]} {error "Please set 
MAXIMA_DIRECTORY\nenvironment variable, to the path eg 
    (file "TkMaxima.tcl" line 6924)

Not being a total idiot, I did

[lemired@lemire-linux lemired]$ which maxima
[lemired@lemire-linux lemired]$ export MAXIMA_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/bin

which lead me to

[lemired@lemire-linux lemired]$ wish TkMaxima.tcl
couldn't read file "./Version.tcl": no such file or directory
    while executing
"source [file join $tixmaxima_library Version.tcl]"
    (procedure "Tixmaxima:start" line 6)
    invoked from within
"Tixmaxima:start tixmaxima"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel [concat $object(__class__):$method tixmaxima $args]"
    (procedure "tixmaxima" line 3)
    invoked from within
"tixmaxima start"

Next I did

[lemired@lemire-linux lemired]$ locate Version.tcl

And I stopped there because I don't think I should be installing anything to 

-- 5 Septembre 2002 13:18 --
> Daniel Lemire <lemire@ondelette.com> writes:
>  > This is probably very naive, but how does one test a tcl file?
>  >
>  > I downloaded your TkMaxima.tcl file and made it executable, doing
>  > ./TkMaxima.tcl got me
>  >
>  > ./TkMaxima.tcl
>  > ./TkMaxima.tcl: proc: command not found
>  > ./TkMaxima.tcl: return: bad non-numeric arg `[eval'
>  > ./TkMaxima.tcl: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced
>  > script ./TkMaxima.tcl: proc: command not found
>  > ./TkMaxima.tcl: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token
>  > `object_priv(c' ./TkMaxima.tcl: line 4: `set object_priv(currentClass)
>  > {}'
>  >
>  >
>  > Please don't be insulted if this comment is totally, totally stupid. I
>  > really don't know what I'm doing.
> If you're on unix, then if it doesn't have the appropriate #! notation
> at the top, either add it, or do:
>    wish TkMaxima.tcl
> But that didn't work for me either.  Other problems came up trying to
> run it:
>    [blinky hjstein]$ wish TkMaxima.tcl
>    Error in startup script: Please set MAXIMA_DIRECTORY
>    environment variable, to the path eg c:/myhome/maxima-5.4
>        while executing
>    "error "Please set MAXIMA_DIRECTORY\nenvironment variable, to the path
> eg c:/myhome/maxima-5.4"" (file "TkMaxima.tcl" line 6924)
>    [blinky hjstein]$ export
> MAXIMA_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/maxima/lib/maxima-5.6 [blinky hjstein]$ wish
> TkMaxima.tcl
>    Setting up KDE environment
>    Skipping ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals
>    Skipping ~/.kde/share/config/kwmrc
>    Skipping /usr/share/config/kdeglobals
>    Skipping /usr/share/config/kwmrc
>    Reading ~/.kderc
>    new
>    couldn't read file "./Version.tcl": no such file or directory
>        while executing
>    "source [file join $tixmaxima_library Version.tcl]"
>        (procedure "Tixmaxima:start" line 6)
>        invoked from within
>    "Tixmaxima:start tixmaxima"
>        ("uplevel" body line 1)
>        invoked from within
>    "uplevel [concat $object(__class__):$method tixmaxima $args]"
>        (procedure "tixmaxima" line 3)
>        invoked from within
>    "tixmaxima start"
>    [blinky bin]$ locate Version.tcl
>    /usr/lib/tix4.1/Version.tcl
> But I'm running on an old Linux system (Redhat 5.2), so things may not
> be configured the way the script expects.  I also tried copying
> Version.tcl to the same my local directory, but then got different
> errors (about center_window being an invalid command).

Daniel Lemire, Ph.D.
Research Officer, National Research Council of Canada