pathological plot

>>>>> "Rich" == Rich Drewes <> writes:

    Rich> Consider this Maxima input:

    Rich> f(x):=(7-500*x)/(25 * x);
    Rich> plot2d(f(x), [x, .008, .012], [y, 2, 16]);

    Rich> The plot takes upwards of 20 minutes to appear on a reasonably fast
    Rich> system.  Something pathological seems to be going on with  certain
    Rich> domains for the plot of many simple functions.  Also, when the plot
    Rich> finally does appear, the y axis doesn't seem to be present (even when
    Rich> the plot is moved around the window) and the x axis doesn't have
    Rich> reasonable tick marks.

I can confirm this.  I have no idea why this is.  I think the bounds
on y have something to do with it, but even without it, the plot takes
longer and longer as the upper limit of x decreases.

