Differentiation problem in Maxima

There is a flag in commercial macsyma, newdiff,
which can be set to true in which case
diff(f(2*x),x) comes out as 2*f^(1)(2*x)  where ^(1) means
diff wrt first argument.


Nikolaos I. Ioakimidis wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> I try to verify the accuracy of the solution
> y(x,t) = f(x+c*t)+g(x-c*t)
> to the classical wave partial differential equation. (Analogously,
> with the Laplace equation.) I prepared the code and
> found the solutions (such as the above one for the wave
> equation), but now I wish to proceed with the verification
> through differentations by using Maxima.
> My impression would be that Maxima can find that
> (d/dx)f(2*x) = 2*f '(2*x),
> but it failed. Therefore the above verification and similar
> verifications cannot succeed since Maxima seems not
> knowing the chain rule for not concrete functions (contrary
> to Maple and Mathematica). Is this true with my command
> diff(f(2*x),x)
> that I tried to use or some trivial error (due to me) is 
> present in this so simple Maxima command?
> It is understood that the differentiation algorithms of 
> Maxima can be easily extended if required, but, never-
> theless, I would prefer that the chain rule in the present 
> case could also be available to Maxima in advance.
> Your help will be greatly appreciated.
> Many thanks in advance and best regards from Patras,
> Nikos
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