I have had some success relocating my windows build. I can move
the installation and run maxima from a command prompt. Doing this
I found a typo in init-cl.lisp which broke the describe() command.
This is now fixed in CVS.
xmaxima doesn't work when relocated
There are two small changes required.
1. use a .bat file to set MAXIMA_PREFIX then run maxima
2. Set *cc* from maxima-prefix in maxima-init.lisp by adding the
following line to maxima-init.lisp
(setq compiler::*cc* (concatenate 'string *maxima-prefix* "/gcc/bin/gcc" ) )
##### maxima.bat ################
set MAXIMA_PREFIX=c:/Programs/maxima-5.9-jjj
set PACKAGE=maxima
set VERSION=5.9.0rc1
start %MAXIMA_PREFIX%\lib\%PACKAGE%\%VERSION%\binary-gcl\maxima -eval (run)