Differentiation problem in Maxima

>>>>> "Stavros" == Stavros Macrakis <stavros.macrakis@verizon.net> writes:

    Stavros> Aside:
    Stavros>   Why, you may ask, did I use "h" rather than "f" for my multivariate
    Stavros> example?  Because it turns out that there is already an obscure
    Stavros> undocumented function g1 built into the system (comment in Bessel.lisp
    Stavros> says "I think g1(x) =... based on some simple numerical evaluations"
    Stavros> !!), so g1(x,y) simplifies (no error for wrong number of args!) to

Yeah, I left that in, along with a lot of other old Bessel function
stuff for the sake of compatibility.  Hopefully, the next release will
get rid of this stuff---it's old, undocumented, and less accurate than
what we have now.
