I checked a set of changes into CVS that should address most of the issues
that have been raised over the last few days about xmaxima, including
typo in font menu
xmaxima not killing maxima
spurious socket error messages if it doesn't start correctly.
If you posted a message noting a problem, can you check it again with
a new from CVS version and see if the problem is still there?
I'm especially interested in the report that the socket code sometimes
drops things. There's a systematic bug in the code on cancelling socket
timeouts that I've started to fix, but there are more in there. If you see
this, could you send me email, being as specific as possible (OS, platform,
date of CVS checkout, traceback if possible etc.)
((Mike Thomas, could you try netmath again and if it breaks, tell me
exactly what you did, and exactly what the error mesage was?)
I've also introduced the new menu system, which should make
xmaxima look more like a real application, turned off the help windows
by default (they are the source of much ugliness in the code), and
started to weed out some of the excess font manipulation.
Let me know what you think of the new look and feel.
I also tried to make more explicit the environment variable/autoconf
parsing, which I am still concerned about. I put a section in there
for windows that works with David's new release or the old 5.5 release.
for all normal MS Windows installs )non CYGWIN) the autoconf variables
will in general be invalid, or even if they are valid, they won't be
if you move them. This code relies on Tcl's [info nameofexecutable]
which assumes some kind of layout like the 5.5 binary distribution,
where the excutable is in a src/ or bin/ or xmaxima/ subdirectory of
the installed distribution. (Nikolaos, this xmaxima should work with
the old 5.5 distribution if you freewrap it and replace the old
(David Billinghurst, why did you use the "gruesome hack" ro communicate
instead of the command line args approach?)
There is still one problem I want to fix - my reading of the code says
that xmaxima can't be installed into c:/Program Files/ or anywhere
with spaces in the filename. I'll fix that next; I see what's wrong.
BTW, there was a mistake in the old 5.5 binary distribution I think - the
file tclpip83.dll should be in the same directory as the xmaxima.exe. For
this xmaxima it may have to be. (David, could you copy one to bin/ and
add an .ico file there too?)
James, could I ask you to change the interfaces/xmaxima/Makefile.am to
copy the Tkmaxima/ subdirectory over to xmaxima/Tkmaxima on install -
then I can do autoloading.
Nikolaos, on the font encoding, it should be no problem to add support
for this later. Could you ask a local guru the relationship between the
environment vaiable LOCALE and the fort encoding? Does a particular LOCALE
imply the fort encoding?
We're almost there on the Windows front!