RE: maxima.exe on the path

> Good point.  I don't like the way the windows distribution is arranged.
> All I have used at present is the standard unix layout, with=20
> --prefix=something.

Is there any reason maxima.exe is 4 levels down in lib? It works in bin.
Can it not get moved to bin/? I checked in code to look for it in
both places, so your batch file should no longer be needed, but
the code looking for it in lib/.../.../.../ is a hack.

Could I beseech that we move away from the Unix habit of extensionless
shell scripts and ask that we use .sh for shell scripts. Then
and xmaxima.exe could coexist in bin/ and although it's 3 letters more
typing, everyone uses <TAB> completion anyway. I helps make cross-platform
symettries more obvious, and makes it much easier to edit under Windows.

I think your current distribution xmaxima/ toplevel directory can get
merged into bin/ and eliminated - xmaxima figures out where it's datadir is,
and there may be other front ends than xmaxima in the future.

In the windows distribution, could you add the tclpip93.dll and a max.ico 
from the old 5.5 distribution to the bin/ directory with xmaxima.exe?

xmaxima is now relocatable; maxima can be moved under windows after it
has been installed. When it starts maxima, is there anything you would
like xmaxima to tell maxima? Presumably it could reset all of the
defparameters that got set by autoconf, which are likely to be wrong.

It still can't stand spaces in the directory filenames - it won't soon.

Many thanks for the build and packaging - it's great to have a working


PS: Is there any reason we use bash for the maxima script (it won't
run under /bin/sh)?  Does that mean users on HPs etc. to have to
install bash to run maxima?