[Fwd: Re: [Maxima] Plans for release candidate 2 and beyond]

C Y ?????:
> --- Stephen Leake <stephen.a.leake.1@gsfc.nasa.gov> wrote:
>>It may be that the simplest solution for Windows is to require
>>Cygwin, and just use the Unix scripts. 
> Simplest yes, but probably not the best way considering our goals.
>>Many people have said that they want a "stand-alone" version of
>>Maxima for Windows. However, Cygwin is _not_ hard to install, and it
> is
>>probably easier for the Maxima project to maintain a good
>>INSTALL.Windows that tells how to install Cygwin, than it is to
>>maintain inconsistent packaging schemes for Unix and Windows.
>>Just a thought...
> It's easier for us, but requiring cygwin will be a major barrior to
> gaining market share.  People are less likely to give it a try in
> Windows if there are a lot of requirements to run it - it will give it
> the feel of an "unfinished" product not ready for prime time.  I don't
> think we'll be making so many changes so fast that we can't keep up
> with an occasional standalone Windows build.  At least in my opinion
> the simple standalone install is critical.

I agree that simple standalone installation is _really_
critical in Windows world.

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov
