> Here is a preliminary hack I used to get rid of the need for maxima.bat in
> mynstallation directory:
> RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/interfaces/xmaxima/Tkmaxima/Cygwin.tcl,v
> retrieving revision 1.1
> diff -r1.1 Cygwin.tcl
> 1a2,5
> > # Check for an environment variable set by xmaxima-local
> > # and if not, set MAXIMA_PREFIX in a way compatible with
> > # the assumption that this tcl script was executed from
> > # an installed bin directory rather than a source tree.
> 3c7,13
> < # Voodo for CYGWIN
> ---
> > if { ! [info exists env(MAXIMA_XMAXIMADIR)] } {
> > set pwd [pwd]
> > set env(MAXIMA_PREFIX) "$pwd/../"
> > set env(XMAXIMA_MAXIMA)
> "$pwd/../lib/maxima/5.9.0rc1/binary-gcl/maxima"
> > }
> >
> > # Voodoo for CYGWIN
Better not to just hack it in at the global level; look
at the procedure setMaxDir and setMaximaCommand in xmaxima-paths.tcl
In general, you cannot work off of [pwd] because that means
if the file is executed with a different effective
working directory (like a shortcut) it won't work. Look
at how setMaxDir uses [info nameofexe] under Windows.
The logic is in there so that it should work without a
.bat file under Windows. If it doesn't it's a bug.