Maxima emacs mode/fontlock colours

> Hi.
> I just downladed the newest maxima.el files from CVS, and I have two
> comments:
> 1) Wow, what an improvement over the old one (as included in the
>    Debian
> 	package of Maxima 5.6.)
> 2) What drugs did the creator of the mode use when choosing the
>    fontlock
> 	colours? ;-)

If you're talking about the maxima.el in the emaxima directory, I was
using caffeine (lots of it).

> Jokes aside, I kinda like the gentle, demure, pastel like colours
> most emacs modes seem to use.  So I'd like to know how I can set the
> maxima mode to use similar colours.

The faces are all customizable, so if you go into customize:
M-x customize-group
the choose the group maxima, you'll be able to change the colors. 

What I need to do is have the different levels of font-lock available,
currently only one level is there, and use the standard font-lock
faces (e.g. font-lock-keyword-face) instead of custom faces
(e.g. maxima-keyword-face) where feasible.  I'll do that soon.
