On 23 Sep 2002, nmarais wrote:
> Anyway, sorry to be such a bother, but how could I permanently
> change/disable the C-TAB binding the maxima modes use? I prefer to
> use it to switch between buffer windows.
There are a couple of lines in maxima.el that look like
(define-key map [(control tab)] 'maxima-dynamic-complete)
that need to be commented out (put a semicolon in front).
It isn't a bother; in fact, I think that's a pretty common use for
C-TAB, maxima-dynamic-complete should probably be rebound.
> A Quick and Dirty Introduction to EMaxima seems to have the
> keybindings wrong for quite a few of the maxima mode commands. Is
> this something that is overriding them at my end? They binding as
> shown in the maxima mode help seem to work OK though.
Okay, thanks; I guess I forgot to update the manual.
I'll fix that as soon as I get a chance.