Re: [clisp-list] floating point problems with clisp 2.30

> * In message <>
> * On the subject of "[clisp-list] floating point problems with clisp 2.30"
> * Sent on Sun, 06 Oct 2002 12:33:26 +0300
> * Honorable "Vadim V. Zhytnikov" <> writes:

> It seems that there is some floating point bug in recently released
> clisp 2.30.  I've been trying to compile Maxima CVS with clisp 2.30
> and suddenly I've got large number of
> Floating point operation combines numbers of different precision.
> See ANSI CL and the CLISP impnotes for details.
> The result's actual precision is controlled by
> To shut off this warning, set *WARN-ON-FLOATING-POINT-CONTAGION* to NIL.

if you are not "combining numbers of different precision", this is a bug.
please isolate it to specific funcalls (by setting *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*
to T and looking at the backtrace) and report it to <clisp-list>.

Please investigate every single case when you get the warning.


Sam Steingold ( running RedHat7.3 GNU/Linux
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