Release Candidate 2

I would like to release release candidate 2 based on the current Maxima
CVS. Here are the criteria I listed in the thread "Plans for release
candidate 2 and beyond."

1) Show-stopping bugs in rc1 fixed.

2) Camm's alternative gcl linking procedure added.

3) Binary packages for RedHat Linux (and other rpm-based distributions)
and Windows.

4) Xmaxima stabilized.

Here is what has happened:

1) The one remaining show-stopping bug is the socket problem with
xmaxima. Because this problem is most important on Windows, I think it
can be better addressed after we've distributed a release candidate with
a windows binary. At the very least, it will make it easier for me to
work on it.

2) Done.

3) I have finally finished the rpms. It turns out that I wasted a great
deal of time on a non-problem. (It's a long story.) In any event, the
rpms created by the spec file in cvs have been tested on multiple
machines by multiple users. I think they are ready to go. If someone can
produce windows binaries, this item is ready to go.

Would someone like to become officially responsible for the windows
binaries? Failing that, will someone volunteer to create windows
binaries for rc2?

4) Xmaxima is in much better shape, module the socket problem.

I have finally gotten around to writing release notes. They are in the
NEWS file in CVS. I have attached the NEWS file to this message in hopes
that I will receive comments on it. The notes are for 5.9.0 in general,
not specifically rc2.

If someone will agree to create the windows binaries, I think we are
ready to go.


Attached file: NEWS