Re: [Gcl-devel] Re: gcl/maxima on hppa

Greetings!  An update:

1) Optimization, even at -O, still fails with gcc-3.2.  I get a
   maxima, but it crashes on one of the tests. -ffunction-sections
   still in.

2) I cannot seem to get gcl's stratified garbage collection option to
   work on hppa.  This basically mprotects the core pages as
   read-only, then traps segfault signals on write attempts,
   unprotects the page and marks it for garbage collection.  The
   sigaction calls don't appear to redirect control to the handler on
   SIGSEGV, however.  This works as is on most other Debian

3) I have this setup on paer, so can provide gdb dumps to anyone who
   wants to try to fix this.

4) I suppose the -ffunction-sections is still required without the -g,
   but haven't tested this.

5) Just uploaded a maxima which should build for the first time on

Take care,

Randolph Chung <> writes:

> > 1) When compiling with -g, the final link fails, and explicitly asks
> >    for recompilation with -ffunction-sections.  This works, and
> >    produces a maxima passing all tests.
> known problem with gcc-3.0.x
> > 2) Any optimization at all breaks the build.  I have a gdb
> >    session/backtrace showing pointers not being passed correctly into
> >    functions if anyone is interested in looking into this.
> can you please try gcc-3.2 as well? 
> good to hear you finally got it to work though :-)
> randolph

Camm Maguire	
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah