
Sorry, I posted the bug too quickly, it's not in numer:


(C8) rhs(solve(f(x),x)[1]),rectform,numer;

RAT replaced 28.5 by 57//2 = 28.5

RAT replaced 28.5 by 57//2 = 28.5

RAT replaced 0.5 by 1//2 = 0.5

RAT replaced -4.18055555555556 by -301//72 = -4.18055555555556
(D8) 3.897114317029973*%I+0.75
(C9) rhs(solve(f(x),x)[1]),rectform,float;

RAT replaced 28.5 by 57//2 = 28.5

RAT replaced 28.5 by 57//2 = 28.5

RAT replaced 0.5 by 1//2 = 0.5

RAT replaced -4.18055555555556 by -301//72 = -4.18055555555556
(D9) 3.897114317029973*%I+0.75

nearly correct:

(C10) rhs(solve(f(x),x)[1]),rectform,bfloat;

RAT replaced 28.5 by 57//2 = 28.5
(D10) 3.318006917974609B0-1.387778780781446B-16*%I


(C12) float(ev(rhs(solve(f(x),x)[1]),rectform));

RAT replaced 28.5 by 57//2 = 28.5
(D12) 3.318006917974609

Unfortunately, I do not have the knowledge to debug this... 
