Maxima 5.9.0 Release Candidate 3

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 20:10:52 +0300
1. I tried to use the rpms with Linux Mandrake 8.2
   and did not succeed (sorry, I don't know why (dependencies?))

2. but the sources compiled _very easily_ with
   clisp 2.29.

3. Maxima 5.9.0rc3 works fine when launched from within xemacs
   (Maxima rc1 did'nt) and with 2 small problems from within
   TeXmacs (the problems come from TeXmacs, not from Maxima)  

4. but when clicking, in xmaxima on the "Tests" item,
   i get :

*** - EVAL : La fonction SI::CHDIR n'est pas définie.
Rentrées possibles:
R1 = Macsyma top-level

1. Break [1]> (C1) 

which means "EVAL : The function SI::CHDIR is not defined.
Possible reentries..." (I don't understand why it in French:
probably clisp is automaticaly configured in French)

I do not post in the bug tracker since i am not quite sure
that this is really a bug (and not an error of mine).
However, here are the results of the function bug_report:

(C1) bug_report();
Maxima version: 5.9.0rc3
Maxima build date: 11:26 10/30/2002
host type: i586-pc-linux-gnu
lisp-implementation-type: CLISP
lisp-implementation-version: 2.29 (released 2002-07-25) (built 3244956760) 
(memory 3244962419)

Best regards.
Daniel Duparc <>
29 av. de la Commune de Paris
94400 Vitry sur Seine (France)