First attempts at building under windows

On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 18:32, Mike Thomas wrote:

> > "./xmaxima-local" will not work.
> .......
> > It will complain about not being able to able to find its data
> > directory. I have tried all the permutations of pathnames I can think
> > of, i.e., c:\msys\1.0\local vs. /c/msys/1.0/local vs. /usr/local, etc.
> >
> > I am stuck at this point. Please, someone help.
> Here we are both stuck, but differently.
> I get the XMaxima Wish interface (displaying the Maxima Primer), but a TCL
> requestor complains that it can't start Maxima because it can't execute
> "c:\cvs\maxima\maxima-local -p c:/cvs/maxima/interfaces/xmaxima/server.lisp
> blah blah blah..."
> This is because TCL/Wish is a Windows application knowing nothing about
> running Unix shell scripts (namely "xmaxima-local").
> In other words, "xmaxima-local" needs to be an executable to work under a
> native Windows Wish.
> For this reason I usually just do a "make install" and use the installed
> XMaxima.

I just re-read what I wrote. I didn't make it very clear. I cannot use
xmaxima-local *or* the installed xmaxima. The installed xmaxima is
trying to run the installed maxima. That's the important problem. How is
it supposed to work in the current incarnation of xmaxima?
