Re: Maxima syntax highlighting for JEdit

> I know this is silly, but how do I install the file?  I've got jedit
> working, but no idea how to install this mode.

This is not a silly question at all since the built in help does not explain it. Yet it is easy anyway:

First unpack the file and copy it into the jedit/modes directory (there are two /modes directories: one for the whole system and a 
personal one - no matter what you choose). After that edit the file 'catalog' in the /modes directory and add the appropriate entry for 
maxima, such as:

<MODE NAME="maxima"		FILE="maxima.xml"
				FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.{max,mac}" />

Note that the entries are in alphabetical order - you should take this into consideration since you will find the entry easier in the menu 
this way.

After closing and restarting JEdit, it works.

Best regards,
