SERIOUS simpsum bug

I do not understand how simpsum works in the maxima code, but
Bill Gosper has improved this stuff substantially over the
last 20 years in the commercial code.  It is possible that
you can sum things which have no INDEFINITE sum, and therefore
NUSUM is the wrong approach.

As for Caruso's work, I think that anyone using maxima
would necessarily be non-commercial because of the GPL.
Has anyone asked him?


C Y wrote:
> --- Martin RUBEY <> wrote:
>>Finally, I'd like to ask why simpsum does not call the Gosper
>>algorithm (nusum)? I guess that simpsum is only called on demand,
> when 
>>the user REALLY wants to have a simple answer and believes that there
>>is one? And as far as I know, Zeilberger (and for multiple sums 
>>Wegschaider) is at the moment the most powerful algorithm.
>>So, put in another way: does it make sense to maintain the simpsum
>>code if there are more powerful algorithms available? 
> Well I don't know about the technical details (Richard?) but as far as
> Zeilberger is concerned if I'm right in thinking you're talking about
> Fabrizio Caruso's work his code is not licensed in such a way that
> would allow us to include it with Maxima.  See
> for details.  
> CY
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