Question on Lisp documentation tools / sym doc

I found the following interesting comment in

;;I know that the tradition says there should be no comments
;;in tricky code in maxima.  However the operator parsing
;;gave me a bit of trouble.   It was incorrect because
;;it could not handle things produced by the extensions
;;the following was broken for prefixes


maybe though (s)he meant that there should only be docstrings...

I like the idea of docstrings VERY much! I think it is VERY well suited to 
maxima and also I think it's a lot less work than the axiom approach. 
(they need something different, too...)

Concerning the sym package: I finally got into touch with Annick 
Valibouze, its main author. It seems that we will finally get a TeX-source 
of the english documentation! (up to now there is only a dvi file)
