Question on Lisp documentation tools

--- Jesper Harder <> wrote:
> C Y <> writes:
> > Ah, I expressed myself badly.  I didn't mean just a really long
> string,
> > I mean a statement with linebreaks 
> Yes.  It's just a string.  It can contain anything a string can
> contain, including multiple linebreaks.

Great!  That should work nicely.

> >> Do you know the Mathematica manual?  It has an appendix with a
> >> listing of all built-in Mathematica objects with a short
> >> explanation of each item.  That could be a different way of using 
> >> docstrings.
> >
> > Um.  How is that different from what we've been discussing?
> I think it's different because the appendix in the Mathematica manual
> is just an alphabetical list¹ with a short description -- it's not
> main reference where a function is explained in detail.
> ¹ Some 150 pages (probably longer in newer versions).

Which do you think would be better?  Alphabetical or categorical?


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