Subject: How install/run MockMMA??? needs Maxima to run?
From: Mike Thomas
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 16:22:29 +1000
Hi Chris.
> README says to compile the
> lisp code but I'm too green about LISP to know
> what that means.
You'll need to get a Lisp compiler that is supported by MockMMA - my guess
is that ACL (Allegro Common Lisp) would be a good one - they have a free
evaluation version. If you don't know how to use the compiler then you've
got to start at the bottom of the knowledge hill by reading the manual for
your Lisp compiler and learning enough Lisp to get by on.
> Does MockMMA need Maxima??
No - it stands alone.
> How does it interface with it then???
CY/Richard or whomever was implying that you might like to write a binding
between the MockMMA language and the Maxima mathematics engine. That is not
a simple task.
Mike Thomas.