
kovzol wrote:
> Richard Fateman wrote:
>>There is a free Lisp-language Mathematica parser
>>(MockMMA) that I wrote.  It includes a rudimentary
>>evaluator and pattern matcher. It is roughly
>>Mathematica 2.0 equivalent syntactically.
> I would like to write a general expression converter in PCCTS. This should
> contain an expression parser first from the input
> * Maxima
> * Mathematica
> * Maple
> * MuPAD
> * C/Pascal expressions
> * TeX/LaTeX
> The output may be any of the above listed possibilities. This project will
> be started soon. If anyone wants to join the project, I can create a new
> SourceForge project group at once.

Your project is impossible except in a trivial sense.

In the trivial sense, you can convert a tiny subset of each of
these languages to the other. Or you could convert such a subset
to MathML.

Such a "translation" could be accomplished in a few weeks with
any parser generator tool if the languages were LL(1) or LALR(1).
Which they are not.

For a larger class of expressions in any of the languages, your
task may be as hard as translating between Hungarian and English,
but much less useful.

> We'd like to use this parser/converter in Webmathematics Interactive,
> however it is a common problem to convert formulae in general.

It happens when someone wants to convert an already written
program from one system to another, but at least some of this
is inevitably done by hand.  I don't think this is a common
problem requiring an automatic solution.  I suggest you read
about mathml.


> Regards, Zoltan
> Kova'cs Zolta'n
> assistant teacher at Bolyai Institute
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