Newbie help, predicate confusion

Hi Maxima hackers,

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do some basic things in
maxima; it's probably a host of misconceptions colluding all at once.

How do you, for instance, recurse down a list in maxima?  As a
textbook example, suppose I wanted to write a function filter which
takes a function f and a list and returns a list of only those
elements whose images under f are true.  In Haskell, for instance, it
would just be:

filter f [] = []
filter f (x:xs) | f x = x : r
		| otherwise = r
    where r = filter f xs

or in scheme you could do

(define (filter f list)
  (cond ((null? list) ())
	((f (car list)) (cons (car list) (filter f (cdr list))))
	(else (filter f (cdr list)))))

Now, for a moment setting aside a nice recursive definition, just take
the definition:

    for l in list do (if p(l) then result:cons(l,result)),

which I think should at least work.  (Hopefully I haven't already
strayed!)  I realize it reverses the order of the list---I'm just
trying to get something that works at this point.  Now, I add a new
layer of trouble: I try to define a conditional:



  f(2) => 2>0


  f(2), pred => true

And if I compute

  filter( f, [-2,-1,0,1,2] )

I'd hope to get [1,2] (or the reverse, whatever) but instead I get

  MACSYMA was unable to evaluate the predicate:

  ** error while printing ERROR message **
  MACSYMA was unable to evaluate the predicate:~%~M
  #0: filter(cond=f,list=[-2,-1,0,1,2])(filter.mac line 3)
   -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)

If, on the other hand, I try:

  g(x):=if x>0 then true else false;

it behaves differently than f:

  g(2) => true

no ",pred" is needed, but I still get the same errors for

  filter( g, [-2,-1,0,1,2] );

Is there a simple obvious way to go about all these things and a
simple way to understand what all this pred business is about?  I
would guess the main problem is that I don't understand the evaluation
model and need to rtfm.  Is there a good reference, especially for
programming in maxima?

Hopefully I haven't made myself an idiot in front of all the maxima
gurus!  Ultimately, what I'd like to get working as a first use of
maxima is a little routine that computes the eigenvector corresponding
to the maximal real eigenvalue of a matrix.  Phew, it seems pretty
distant at this point!

Also, I tried browsing some of the maxima source code for some clues.
Does one generally do programming directly within lisp rather than in
