Interfacing to maxima

> As far as I am concerned, this is the problem:
> There is no clear interface between the maxima math engine,
> and the maxima parser.

The interface between the parser and the math engine is actually quite
clean and simple.  The only subtlety here is the parse-time-substitution
syntax ('').

Where things get complicated is the interaction among the evaluator, the
simplifier, and the evaluation/simplification context.  You ask, for
example, how to "execute" ((mplus) 1 2).  But in Maxima, calculating the
sum of 1 and 2 is just like calculating the sum of x and x = ((mtimes) 2
$x), that is, it is a matter of *simplification*, not evaluation.

   1 + 2 => 3 (evaluation and simplification)
   '(1+2) => 3  (simplification but no evaluation)
   simp:false$ 1+2 => 1 + 2 (evaluation but no simplification)
   simp:false$ '(1+2) => 1 + 2 (neither)

   x: 1234$
   x + x + 1 => 2469 (evaluation and simplification)
   '(x+x+1) => 2*x+1  (simplification but no evaluation)
   simp:false$ x+x+1 => 1234 + 1234 + 1 (evaluation but no
   simp:false$ '(x+x+1) => x + x + 1 (neither)

At the Lisp level, if you want to add two symbolic expressions, you call
the ADD function:

   (ADD 'x 2) => ((mplus simp) 2 x)

This depends on the *Lisp* evaluator, but the Maxima simplifier....

Your second example asks about MSET.  Sure enough, MEVAL'ing ((mset) $x
1) will set the (existing or new) global variable $x to 1.  Simplifying
it will not:

   x : x + 2 + 3$ x => x + 5
   '(x: x + 2 + 3)$ x => x (i.e. x has not been modified)
   simp:false$ x : x + 2 + 3$ x => x + 2 + 3
   simp:false$ '(x : x + 2 + 3)$ x => x (no modification)

The other thing that happens at the top level of the Maxima interaction
loop (read-eval-print loop) is that the Asksign database is reset:

(c1) [asksign(x),asksign(x)]
Is  x  positive, negative, or zero?
(d1) [pos, pos]   (note that it reuses the first answer)

(c2) asksign(x);
Is  x  positive, negative, or zero?    (note that it has forgotten the
previous answer)

Does this answer your question?
