Some Context Probleme ?

> curried(f,x) :=
>   block([z:?gensym()],buildq([f,x,z],lambda([z],apply(f,[x,z]))))$

Yes, or more concisely:

>   buildq( [ f, x, z:?gensym() ]
>           lambda( [z], apply(f, [x,z] ) ) )

A bit of commentary:

   ?gensym is a Lisp function to create a new, unique symbol.
   It is necessary to avoid variable name conflicts.

   apply(f, [...]) is necessary instead of f(...) because
   if "f" is defined as a function, the function definition
   takes priority over the variable value

> BTW, in order to complete or correct the history section of
> `genut.mac' I'd be very delighted to know more of ASB's identity.

ASB is Rick Brenner,  His Web page says: "At Symbolics, I was
responsible for development of all products based on Macsyma, a large
and very sophisticated computer algebra program."


Stavros Macrakis