
I have not thought much about it, but it might be nice to allow for 
multisets = unordered lists, too...
> (1) nset.lisp is a new set package that Stavros and I have been working 
> on. It's main
> difference with the old package is that it treats lists and sets as 
> distinct objects:
> (C6) s1 : set(a,[a,b],set(a,b));
> (D6)                      {a, {a, b}, [a, b]}
> (C7) adjoin(set(a),s1);
> (D7)                   {a, {a}, {a, b}, [a, b]}
> My favorite function in the package finds equivalence classes:
> (C8) equiv_classes(set(1,2,3,4,5,6),lambda([x,y],is(remainder(x-y,3)=0)));
> (D8)                   {{1, 4}, {2, 5}, {3, 6}}
> (C9) 

this sounds very nice.

> (2) The file names in test.lisp are hardwired.  Could we change that? 
> Maybe
> test.lisp should look through all directories under ../share for files 
> with
> names of the form test*.mac.

I do not have a file test.lisp. BUT: beware that there may be multiple 
files of the same name in share/*/*. EG permut.lisp exists twice:


A way out is to make autoload search only in share. sym/permut.lisp finds 
that, combinatorics/permut.lisp the other. Fail otherwise. I think there 
was some discussion on this ealier on...
