Traditional terminal keys

Raymond Toy <> wrote:

# >>>>> "Khiraly" == Khiraly Kalman <> writes:
#     Khiraly> Hi!
#     Khiraly> I have a problem with using maxima:
#     Khiraly> In terminal the keys TAB, up, down, left, right does not
# work.
#     Khiraly> I have used a bit for the numeric calculating the
# software octave, where
#     Khiraly> this keys worked fine.
# If this mean that pressing the up key brings back the previously
# entered line, then you need to run maxima with a Lisp that includes
# readline functionality.  I think clisp has that.  Some versions of gcl
# have that as well.
# Ray

Yes that was. I have installed from packages on my debian SID system.
(apt-get install maxima)
But i didn't have gcl or similar.
Now i have installed gcl, (apt-get install gcl), and i have compiled it
from source, and works fine-> Thx.

I have an another problem.
It's 3 equation:

And i will obtain the following forme:

where isn't x2, and x3 in the parentheses.
Only: a, b, c, d, e^%i*omega
a, b, c, d are the constans, but omega is a variable.
e^(%i*(%pi/2))=%i (complexe)
Euler's equation

Finally w(e^(j*omega))=y/s

Thanks in advance
