list's operations

Thanks a lot to all for help

I tried Barton's set package and found that it could not be load because of 
errors. Even I cannot compile it within clisp-maxima by :lisp(compile-file 
"set.lisp"), I have

..... it will be treated as if it were declared SPECIAL.
*** - The macro COMPLEMENT may not be called with 2 arguments: (COMPLEMENT B 
The following restarts are available:
R1 = Macsyma top-level

1. Break [1]>
The compilation under cmucl goes to the end though finds 14 errors.

Beside that, I guess (in-package "Maxima") should be inserted at the top of 
file as well.

best regards,

On Tuesday 17 December 2002 23:36, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> Valerij--
> Barton Willis has written a package (nset) to handle set operations like
> Intersection, etc.  To do it right, it is not quite so simple as just
> calling the Common Lisp functions.
>        -s
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