Stavros and I wrote a new set package (nset.lisp) for Maxima. You may view
documentation and download the distribution from
nset-1.0.tar.gz (about 17K) expands to a directory (nset-1.0) that
the source code, a sample initialization file, a testing routine,
a README file, and user documentation.
1. This is a *beta* distribution; we are asking for your input.
2. Unlike other Maxima set packages we know of, nset treats sets
and lists as distinct objects. Thus
(C1) set(x,[x],set(x));
(D1) {x, {x}, [x]}
3. There are 27 user functions in nset; here is a short demonstration of
its more interesting functions
(C2) extremal_subset(set(-2,-1,1,3),abs);
(D2) {3}
(C3) extremal_subset(set(-2,-1,1,3),abs,min);
(D3) {- 1, 1}
(C4) equiv_classes(set(0,1,2,3,4,5,6),lambda([x,y],remainder(x-y,2)=0));
(D4) {{0, 2, 4, 6}, {1, 3, 5}}
(C5) equiv_classes(set(0,1,2,3,4,5,6),lambda([x,y],remainder(x-y,3)=0));
(D5) {{0, 3, 6}, {1, 4}, {2, 5}}
(D6) [{x + 1, x^2 + 3 x + 2}, {x + 9}]
(C7) cartesian_product([a,b],[1,2]);
(D7) {[a, 1], [a, 2], [b, 1], [b, 2]}
(C8) subpowerset([u,n,k],2);
(D8) {{k, n}, {k, u}, {n, u}}
(C9) powerset([u,n,k]);
(D9) {{}, {k}, {k, n}, {k, n, u}, {k, u}, {n}, {n, u}, {u}}
(C10) flatten(set(set(a),set(b),set(b,c)));
(D10) {a, b, c}
4. While developing nset, we discovered bugs in "orderlessp" and "is":
(C10) orderlessp([x],[rat(x)]);
#:|x1163| is not of type LIST
(C11) is([rat(x)]=[rat(x)]);
We've reported these bugs and invite folks to fix them. Additionally,
the sample initialization file contains fixes for setup_autoload
and friends.
5. We've tested nset with Maxima / GCL 5.5 under Windows XP and
Maxima / CMUCL 5.9.0rc3 under Linux. We've only tested the
setup_autoload fixes under CMUCL. The generic-autoload function
has Lisp version specific code -- these fixes need more testing
under different Lisp / Maxima versions.
To get nset to work under commercial Macsyma, you'll need to change
(in-package "MAXIMA") to (I think) (in-package "CLIMAX") and you'll
need to comment out the four lines that involve the $put or put
functions (or figure out what Macsyma uses instead of put and $put).
6. test-nset.mac is a testing routine. Copy it to your /tests
directory and add "test-nset" to the list of files in tests.lisp.
I've only run the test under Maxima 5.9.0rc3.
Again, nset is a beta distribution. Please send us your bug
reports and suggestions for improvement.