--- Richard Fateman <fateman@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> This code is not related to Gail's code, or CoCoa
> or Singular. Is it better? who knows.
> It is, if you read about it, based on a program CBG entirely
> separate from Macsyma.
> There are at least 2 ways of thinking about this.
> (a) the built in RAT package is not oriented toward the
> monomial ordering requirements of GB calculations and can't
> be used. So rewriting addition, multiplication (by monomial),
> etc etc is inevitable. And this was done.
> (b) using the built-in stuff would require understanding
> too much of the internals of macsyma.
> I think the truth is a mixture of the two. When this code
> was last mentioned here it was not clear if it was
> GPL or not. It seems not, though.
It is GPL - look at the start of the file maxima-grobner.lisp in the
Zip file.
I don't know if it is suitable for our purposes here, but the license
isn't a problem. Maybe it would make a good start anyway? Daniel
could check it against the other packages he's looking at if he wants
and decide if it's useful. It might help.
By the way, CoCoa, at least, is not GPL. The code isn't available at
all for download - I wrote them to ask once. Singular and Macaulay2
are GPL, IIRC.
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