emaxima's problem with latex processing

I tried to make the manual for ctensr&itensor packages via emaxima interface 
in emacs.If nobody is object I'm planning just to transofrm and correct a 
little the "manual.txt" which is in share/tensor dir. Everything is ok so far 
except the problem with line truncation for a long tensor's expressions.
Also I found that emaxima was not able to  transform correctly the following 
(E40) g[2,2] = 
It gives
\E44. g_{2,\linebreak[0]2}={{2\*A\*D\*\left({{d^{2}}\over{d\*x^{2}}}
 A^{2}\*D^{2}\*x}} \\
However, when I proceed the right part of (E40) within maxima  via tex(...)
I have a different result. 

best regards for New Year
