bothcases:false; ("the anticommutative algebra's operations on indexed objects")$ ("the operations are allowed only on the covariant tensors")$ load(""); ("The exterior product is denoted by &. Take it on two 1-forms a([i])&b([j])")$ show(a([i])&b([j]))$ ("The exterior product of the three 1-forms a([i])&b([j])&c([k])")$ show(a([i])&b([j])&c([k]))$ ("Take a sum of two 3 forms")$ show( factor(a([i])&(bk*b([j]))&c([k]) +(ak*a([i]))&c([j])&b([k])))$ ("declare 2-form (don't forget to put allsym:false) and take & with 1-form")$ allsym:false; decsym(p,2,0,[anti(all)],[]); show(q([i])&p([j,k]))$ ("the exterior (anticommutative) derivative is denoted by @ind, where ind denotes the component")$ ("So actually d_k & form means in our notation form @ k, e.g.")$ show(p([j,k])@i)$ show((a([j])&b([k]))@i)$ show((a([j])&b([k]))@k)$ ("the interior product is denoted by |_, say form |_ vector, where form is indexed tensor and vector is vector's name")$ show(a([i])|_a)$ show((a([i])&b([j]))|_a)$ ("to avoid the mistake please use the literaly sorted indices when you apply the |_ ")$ show(factor((a([i2])&b([i1]))|_a+ (a([i1])&b([i2]))|_a))$ ("the Lie derivative is denoted by @L[vector,ind],( say form @L[vector,ind]) where vector is vector name and ind is the index of component")$ ("it is currently not applicable to functions. Also you have to use the literaly sorted indices")$ show(a([i1])@L[v,i2])$ ("tests the consequence of the Cartan identity for 1-forms.The Lie derivativies has to commute with the exterior one ")$ show((a([i1])@i2)@L[v,i3]-(a([i1])@L[v,i2])@i3)$ ("where the (a([i1])@i2)@L[v,i3] is")$ show((a([i1])@i2)@L[v,i3])$ ("the verifications of this consequense of the Cartan identity for the higher order forms are in")$